Initial Consultation Free (up to 20 min, phone)
Phone/Skype/Zoom session $108/hour
In person session $250/hour (2 hours recommended)
$250/hour couples
First time client? Receive second session for half*
*either attended within 14 days or prepaid
See below discounted series and payment options
To empower the goddess (allowing feminine energy to flow to heal our world) sliding scale for women
is available on most Tantra sessions (where truly in need)
Discounted Packages
Two 2-hour Tantra Sessions $850 (to be used in 60 days)
(4 hours)
Three 2-hour Tantra Sessions $1100 (to be used within 90 days) C
(6 hours)
Four 2-hour Tantra Sessions $1300 (to be used within 120 days)
( 8 hours)
Ten 2- hour Tantra Sessions $2700 (to be used within 6 months)
(20 hours )
Further discounts may be arranged for committed adepts, women, full time students and those in a critical need. I am generous.
More frequent visits (twice a month or more) available at discounted rate
Payment options available on both individual sessions and discounted series. Electronic transaction fees on discounted series need to be covered by a client.
Donations graciously accepted (scholarship fund).
Felt the benefit of your session? Spread the word and earn referral credits.
If you are interested in receiving an offering please contact Shakti. You may also include a time-frame in which you'd like to arrange a session.
Personal sessions may require an additional information. Please prepare to complete an intake form.