Are you drawn to having a private Tantra session yet unsure about how it will be, whether my work is for you, or simply like making a connection in a live conversation?
Entering the new, and possibly making a profound shift in your life is a big step, and some anxiety is natural. Still, many happy,
fulfilled clients wished they had not procrastinated and come eariler. Having an 'exploratory session' over the phone or Skype may put your wondering
mind at ease and give you even a palpable Tantric experience.
Your intitial 10-minute consultation is FREE
You'll have an option to continue for another (half) hour or more at a regular rate. You will be able to ask questions, talk about your intimate issues,
perhaps get important insights. I may guide you through some simple Tantra exercises, if time allows we can dive deeper into whatever you wish to resolve or manifest. Sometimes it takes only a little push to make a big step...
You may also choose to receive a Sacred Flow session during this time to realign your energies (15-20 minutes), a powerful step into your new life!