5 + 1 week online Tantra (private) course for couples
Intimate partnership: The final frontier of spiritual human evolution.
And, perhaps, one of the greatest life challenges. The determining factor of our happiness, the inspiration of our creative genius, the fuel of our aliveness (or lack of it), and, ultimately, the projection & reflection of our inner relationship, with soul's ambition to make it also cosmic. It begins with 'falling in love', when we get a glimpse of each other's divinity. Later, the initial fireworks may fizzle out, and our romantic fairy tale seems to take on strange twists and turns, showing us our blind spots, and opportunities for healing, growth, and deepening our love. In the busy flow of life we may lose the sight of each other’s light and stifle the passion that drew us together. Or, we can dive deeper into each other’s (and our own) magnificence, allowing deeper union to take place, and (re)discover the Beloved. The choice is yours.
Tantric intimate partnership is the perfect spiritual path for this chaotic time, and perhaps the best medicine, with effects going far beyond we can see.
Sacred Moments Couples Course may be the answer to those of you who are may secretly aspire to touch the stars while remaining safely in your home nest. Welcoming & embracing whether you are just dipping toes in Tantric waters of have been swimming in Tantra for yugas, whether you're struggling to restore the sexual fire and deepen emotional intimacy, or simply feel drawn to take your love onto another level, inviting the play of energies & mystical element.
Now, for a limited time you & your partner have an opportunity to experience private live guidance offering a systematic initiation into the deeper energetic workings of your sacred sexual bodies and aspects of your greater beings.
The course is light and playful, yet having the potential to take you far and deep - if you wish.
And, the wonderful thing is, you'll have all the classes to keep so you can re-discover new treasures in each session.
*Restore your sexual polarity and magnetism,
nurture vibrant passion in and out of bedroom,
*Activate abundant flow of sexual energy, for pleasure, aliveness, spiritual expansion, rejuvenation & creativity
*Infuse your lovemaking with divinity,
deepen spiritual and emotional intimacy,
connect at a soul level, beyond the fluctuation of personality
*Find an easy way to tune into your essence-self and your higher guidance,
and to awaken the She (divine feminine) and He (divine masculine) being
*Learn to work with energy dense (marma) points on the body, gateways to expanded consciousness, sexual energy, healing and vitality
*Discover a new way to relate, to communicate, to share each other.
to dance in your partnership
This is a course of empowerment and discovery: we are not teaching you 'how to...'
We are simply introducing practices that open the door for energy to flow in, the spirit to enter, the God-Goddess arrive, the dance be danced in.
Together we are opening the portals of the unknown that is yours to claim.
In this course you'll receive:
5-7 Main zoom guidance sessions (120 + mins) in your chosen time
in a form of sacred rituals
Live support sessions (for recap sharing & questions). Optional as needed.
​Invitation & special discount to Tantric Embrace 1 Couples Weekend Luxury Retreat
Sessions can be done according to your own timing, with as much integration time in between as needed.
Pay per-session as you go. .
Main Course Sessions $188 2hr
Support Sessions $108/hr/$188 2hr
Bonus session: Sacred Puja
Registration: Please contact