May 11, 7-9p
Come to a place where heart and sex energy meet...where the boundaries of separation merge...where you are perfect as you are...where you shine in your divine magnificence.
Awaken the flow of your sacred sexual energy for greater expansion of consciousness & physical aliveness.
'Unleash your creative power...to manifest the life you want...to create the relationship you're longing for..
Feel /expand/move/transform and exchange energy with others.
Explore the worlds beyond the ordinary...play in the moment....dance...laugh...cry....be silly...be yourself!
Experience a special formula that evokes the high bliss vibration...and take it home with you!
Ignite spark of transformation to live (bliss)fully!
No experience necessary
No partner necessary
Safe, sacred space, no explicit sexual exchange
Tantric Playground is an experiential evening for beginners and seasoned Tantrikas alike. In a safe, friendly atmosphere you will explore key aspects of Ipsalu Tantra, an accelerated path of self realization based on authentic ancient Tantric input.
Experience the immediate effects of Tantric practices, learn to expand your sexual energy to be filled with radiance and aliveness, play in a heart-space, celebrate your humanness, co-create a loving, supportive community of like-minded beings.
Who should come? - Anybody seeking more fulfillment in life!
Both singles and couples are welcome!
Beginner friendly
Seasoned Tantrikas: soar high on the power of group energy!
Time: 7-9p
Space: Open Secret Bookstore, 923 C St, San Rafael, CA 94901
Love Donation: $40