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Who is She?


She's mystical

She's magical

She's the sacred force of creation

Contained in every galaxy and every particle of an atom

She's in hadness of rock, softness of a weather

In a majesty of a tree,  luscious beauty of a flower

She's dances a plant, an animal,  and a human

Twinkles in a star and in speckle of dust

She's in all forms

She quietly stirs in the earth, blows wildly  in the wind,

Erupts passionately in a volcano

She bubbles in a stream, flows in a river, dances in the ocean

Patiently vibrates in a lake

She's embodied in a woman & in Mother Earth

She birthed you here

She's the aliveness of your body

The beating of your heart

The richness of your emotions

The  thrill, pleasure and ecstasy of your sexuality

She's the Spiritual Human Evolution

Sexual energy

The essence of life itself

Divine feminine

Waiting for your conscious eyes

She's love


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