Who am I?
I am a ray of sunshine
in a droplet of the morning dew
I am a rainbow
the evening sky
in all shades of pink and blue
I am a speck of light
I am many specks of light
I am a white bird on his heavenly flight
I am a dream
I am a dreamer
The great creator of my world
I am the great void
Which all goes back into
A matrix
from which all unfolds
I am the breath
I am a wave
The eternal pulsation of the universe
I am the Goddess dancing in the ecstasy
the passionate dance of creation
I am the marriage of Shakti and Shiva
In the etheric Temple
of the Heart
I am a speck of light
I am many, MANY specks of light
I am the sound of Om
Consciousness turning into matter
I am pure LOVE
I am sex energy transformed
An infinite ocean of bliss
I am eternity
I am Divinity
I am nothing
I am everything
I am.....You
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profoud, deep, comprehensive self-pace course for individuals & couples by Ipsalu Tantra
(request me as your mentor)
Relax in paradise, swim with mantas & dolphins, soar high in your true essence, embody God & Goddess
Tantric Embrace: When Sex & Spirit Dance as One