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*Pink Lotus Herbs - Pink Lotus Marma Therapy*
Healing, Doula Care, Bodywork & Bliss by Ayurveda

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Our Story

How did Pink Lotus Herbs Come About?
My first website,, appeared in 2006, devoted solely to the wide, all embracing subject of Tantra:- my soul path, which all I do emerge from and returns to. However, being such a profound spiritual discipline Tantra in our society may not always be well understood and interpreted, so and thus I felt the need to create another, simpler website with offerings to which people - women especially - can come feeling 'safe', without perceived need to subscribe to a particular belief or a spiritual path other then their own. Hence more earthy pinklotusherbs was born!
I grew up in Czechia, a country with a long tradition of herbal healing and folk medicine. Since young age I've been passionate about exploring the medicinal and nutritive qualities of plants, admiring, picking, tasting and studying this herb and that, learning from great sages, grandmothers and wise medicine women, making potions for all my family members and my friends. Energy healing too was of my great interest, sometimes involving physical touch, sometimes touching what eyes cannot see but hands can feel. In my early twenties I healed myself from a debilitating (by doctors 'incurable') auto-immune condition solely by drinking herbal teas and practicing yoga, following simple ayurvedic principless, believing in wellness. My passion for herbs and healing therapies grew, I studied Ayurveda and Western herbalism both privately, hands-on, and in a variety of courses across United Kingdom and United States, sensing a strong affinity with the plant kingdom...Every year I attend Women's Herbal Symposium to deepen and enrich my knowledge of natural healing and living in harmony with nature - our true nature (where I also offer a classes to share my passion). Marmas (subtle energy points) have fascinated me ever since I learned about them at the beginning of my Tantric path. Throughout the years I kept returning to the subject, inspired by Ayurvedic or Siddha medicine teachers and healers, until I officially became a cetified marma therapy practitioner. Training in Bliss Therapies (Abhyanga massage, shirodhara, svedana) followed, with more intriguing studies and learning ahead (currently ayurvedic pulse reading).
Though my current work involves variety healing modalities (eg bodywork, breath, sound, movement, energy healing, shamanic elements) herbs and herbal products has always been a close companion.
I am a certified internationalYoga Teacher (Sunra, since 1996) certified Dakini (Tantra Teacher & Healer, Ipsalu Tantra International since 1999), certified Doula (NR Doula Training, Heart and Hands Midwifery Training, 2004),Certified Ayurvedic Marma Therapy, and Bliss Therapy practitioner (California College of Ayurveda), writer/author, dancer, artist, poet, ordained priestess of the Isis Temple, mermaid, and devoted mama. Maintaining my family's health and vitality has been naturally of an utmost importance, and yet my perception of 'family' has expanded: how can I not care about my dear brothers and sisters whose hearts and bodies may suffer, who are in a need of a loving touch, heart felt advice or embrace?
My products were originally created for personal needs: egThere was a time I wanted a nice tasting tea that would support my fertility and my body's readiness for having children, and my overall feminine health and wellbeing (it became my daily prayer...). I'd also made a 'hearty treats' out of my ayurvedic favorites. I wanted a simple, natural bodycare made of things I could most likely find in my kitchen instead of strange sounding suspicious ingredients (Do you know that our skin is porous and what we put on it can penetrates into our bloodstream? ), products in earth friendly (recycled-reused) packaging that work well, are loving to my body and do not cost a fortune.I made products I could not find in a store. I wanted to feel connected to the Earth, yearning to taste, smell and feel her love both inside my body and on my skin. I wanted to serve as a continuum of Her (Divine Mother's) creation, creating with consciousness and an open heart, living in constant gratitude for all Her gifts...after all, She is me - in my greater body- and so it keep going...
I'd share my creations with my family, friends and clients who soon started asking for my products, wanting to buy them. When one male computer tech, a heavy coffee drinker decided to switch to Goddess Tea instead I knew the magic was here! I do not currently have a steady 'product'menu' realizing each client is unique, so I make my products fresh and personalized, often driven by in-the-moment intuition & inspiration. You - my dear clients - are my inspiration to dive deeper into the cauldron of creation in my passionate strive to support your wellness!
The healing sessions, perhaps more important than products for they involve heart to heart human contact, presented here have evolved over the years of both external and internal learning, with a guidance of She-the great feminine, the being greater than this little person. They are intended to bring physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness, peace, pleasure, love, joy, and alignment with mama Earth and your greater self, the magnificent love-light being that you are! I envision your true happiness to be alive and profound enjoyment of life! We all have the capability for deep healing the mind-body-soul, especially when there is a strong desire from the receiver. I only act as channel of energies that are yours to claim. Though my offerings may appeal more to women, humble nature loving and divine feminine honoring men are warmly welcome to my practice. Children and young adults are welcome too!
We are here to share our gifts, no matter how small they may feel to us. So that's it. Here are my secrets. Here are my treasures. By the time you read this page they may have expanded a little further. For all to love and enjoy!
Love Blessings,

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